Valentano (ab. 2,897), is a typical medieval structure town, with buildings made of tufo, and rises on a hill set to N.O. of the Lake of Bolsena to 538 m above the sea, “natural Terrace” between lake and sea, respectively 8 and 30 Km far. Its borders on Tuscany and Latera (North), on Capodimonte and Latera (East), on Ischia di Castro, Cellere and Piansano (South), on Tuscany and Farnese (West).
Its territory (43 sq km) varies from hills to lowland and is quite variegated in views and panoramas.
Administratively, Valentano reenters in the province of Viterbo (the chief town is 33 km far) and it belongs to the Comunità montana “Alta Tuscia laziale”.